
What We Are All About!

(Read the 823 BOHAUSA Mission Statement below this Eisenhower outline.)

Presidential address to the nation: Dwight D. Eisenhower.

On September 11, 1958, after guns from the Red Chinese-held mainland had been blasting the offshore islands of Taiwan's Quemoy (aka Kinmen, Kin-men, Chin-men et al.) and Matsu for almost three weeks. President Eisenhower went before the (USA) nation in a radio-television address to explain the stand of the United States in relation to the bombardment (ROC 09/21/1958, reports 3,000 civilian & 1,000 military causalities).

Quemoy and Matsu were Formosan islands and Formosa had been the stronghold of Chiang Kai-shek ever since that general had been driven from the mainland.

The President strongly reaffirmed the United States support of Chiang. Noting, "Some misguided persons have said that Quemoy is nothing to become excited about," Eisenhower warned that the Red Chinese were using the attacks on the islands to test the free world's courage in resisting aggression. Mr. Eisenhower stated that it was the opinion of his government that the bombardment and blockade of Quemoy and Matsu were not so much a genuine attempt to conquer the Formosa Strait Islands, as part of a plan "to liquidate all of the free world positions in the Western Pacific."

In a firm statement of policy, President Eisenhower promised U.S. allies that there would be "no Pacific Munich." Eisenhower also expressed a sincere hope for "negotiations" for peaceful and honorable solutions, directly or through the UN.

The Mission Statement of the

823 Badge of Honor Association

United States of America

To have Republic of China honoraria displayed in the homes and offices of every United States citizen of service to the Republic of China on Taiwan; to bolster the continued support of the Taiwan Relations Act and to drive congressional "enlistments" for the Senate and House Congressional Taiwan Caucuses; to support the reseating of Taiwan in the United Nations; to press for the passage of the US-Taiwan Free Trade Act; to press any and all for the seating of Taiwan as a member of the WHO (World Health Organization).

Americans have not forgotten the free China but need to be brought back to a "remembrance" of it. Displayed ROC honoraria (medals and certificates) will "speak" volumes about Taiwan, and then questions will be asked. You are expected to answer them. The difference between the ROC and the PRC is the difference between freedom and communism. The free world needs to be wary of those that dare call themselves a People's Republic (communist China, No. Korea, Rep. of Vietnam, et al.). These pretenders of freedom must not be allowed to win with "Big Lie" tactics. Mainland Chinese communists tell the world that Taiwan is a renegade province, but the world knows that it is the people of 22 mainland provinces are being hold at gunpoint by murderous "renegades (Recall, if only, Tiananmen Square, June 1989)." Then the red herring tactic of "Look how we are serving the interest of the endangered Panda..." While at the same time using their 2 and a half million man army to suppress their own citizens. You tell me, what's more important, 1,500 Panda in Wolong or 1.2 billion people whose minds are imprisoned? Then trade - what a joke* I'd rather buy a shirt made in America - or any free nations - at $20. than pay a $5. for anything "Made in [communist] China [Vietnam]" or any other commie nation.

Is there any to tell this membership of a time when any communist has ever kept a promise on any trade or diplomatic agreement? Communist are exploiters and have but one interest, their own.

The BOHAUSA certifies has certified candidates to the Ministry of National Defense/Republic of China (MND/ROC), to the prestigious Honor Medal for 823 Bombardment (23August1958 - 01January1959) and/or to the US-ROC Mutual Defense Commemorative Badge (1955-1979).

While these eligibility dates may seem to preclude an award to those of service outside of the dates, all who have served the free China (ROC) are urged to make application for membership including (as of 30JUN06) any non-military. Their names will be placed onto our Honor Roll and they too will become members with all the rights and privileges as such. (We are "working" with the ROC to create an award that is inclusive - without dates - for award eligibility. Only this way can we continue to award honoraria to those deserving from the 1940s to the present day. We must be able to grow this association with new and younger members. Freedom is and timeless in concept; true friends have beginnings and their relationship is boundless (That 1979 date on the MDCB has always irritated your Chairman - 1979 was the year that our government [Pres. Jimmy Carter's administration] broke diplomatic relations with the ROC - to favor the commies on the China mainland [all of "this" began with the president that claimed he was "...not a thief.", Richard M. Nixon - this thief stole the dream of freedom from billions of the world's oppressed by kissing the behind of Mao and Mao’s commercial interests).

First presentations, of the Honor Medal, were presented in October 1998, the 40th Anniversary of the 823 (23AUG58) Bombardment War. We organized that same month. Our first, no charge, dues-free, monthly e-mail newsletter was faxed in November 1998. That 1998 presentation, of the only medal available to US military service to the ROC, was to be a "one- time 40th Anniversary" event. Subsequently, Lloyd Evans, your Chairman, requested of all the TECOs, permission to take over the administrative burden of certifications to allow for the searching of other veterans deserving of the Honor Medal. The TECOs tacitly agreed and recurring annual events have for the most part have been conducted.

Today, our worldwide membership is well over 5,000 members. We are the men and women from all the branches of the US Armed Forces, and a few civilians also as distinguished. We are vocal advocates of our nation's treaty with Taiwan (the Taiwan Relations Act) and urge our federal legislators to join the Congressional Taiwan Caucus). The 823BOH Chairman is responsible for lobbying the congress on these matters and each member supports that effort with frequent email to his representative - requesting they join the CTC.

We are not a branch or department of any government and receive nothing in remuneration from the any such. All expenses are incurred by the Chairman, with some expenses defrayed by member contributions, decal, patch and medal replica purchases. A DD214 is one's best evidence of service, notwithstanding that it may contain relating to Taiwan - in that case a supporting statement is necessary as we are able to discern the truth from fiction.

After ten (10) years our certifications ended for medals and certificates on 6/30/2006; we now seek to enlarge our membership and open it to all Americans and former/present military who have served Taiwan. Freedom constantly requires new "defenders" armed with the recall of history to prevent a reoccurrence of our disgraceful "exit" from the Republic of Vietnam. There, we left a fledgling republic to communism. Had we the courage to tough it out - trust me on this - you would have in Vietnam today something akin to what exists in the two Koreas: a prosperous South and a still impoverished a tyrannical North. Instead, we have in communist Vietnam where 100,000,000 citizens exist under the oppressive yoke of communism.

Taiwan is still a fledgling republic, and a democracy; having only three democratically elected presidents - we must insure that with Taiwan we keep faith by abiding to our obligation to them (Taiwan Relations Act). Our president, George W. Bush, when he was asked during his campaign for his first term, what he would do if push ever came to shove with mainland China (i.e., communism attempting to overthrow Taiwan's democratic republic), he said, and I quite him "Whatever it takes!" We of the BOHAUSA are in the education business it is incumbent upon us to reeducate our citizenry on history and about the meaning of having a valuable ally in Taiwan in S.E. Asia.

So please read and inform yourselves on this topic. It is important to the USA and to the 23 million productive friends we have on Taiwan.

And while I (your Chairman) am at it - a slight aside:

The Honor Medal and US-ROC MDCB are significant awards as many "Cold War" Vets - those not involved in WWII, Korea or Vietnam - served valiantly their 2, 3, 4 or 6 year, or more, tour of duty. These ROC awards may be their only award, their only tangible evidence of past service to freedom to a foreign nation (Notwithstanding that many of you earned the AFEM and know nothing of your eligibility. Chairman Evans invites you to make enquiry and from his archival data base will see if you rate that award for Taiwan service in the 50s and early 60s you get it). In these honorarium, we have an award is as prestigious an any: The Croix de Guerre, the Philippine Liberation Medal, the Rep. of Vietnam Service Medal, the Korean Service Medal, et alia, with one difference: These awards are unique as they have been presented to (or pinned onto us) us by a "diplomat" of a foreign nation, the ROC, and on USA soil.

Since 1949, mainland communist "revisionists" have been attempting to overpower the (today) 23 million people of Taiwan, the ROC. Taiwan is no "renegade" province but a nation of free, prosperous and happy people. Here the people enjoy a measure of personal and economic freedom that all the world acknowledges. Taiwanese faces are open and smiling, as are the faces of the entire worlds free - in stark contrast to those in ChiComLand or any other communist nation.

There is no dispute that Taiwan has made its mark as a positive contributor to world markets and freedom. For any nation to curry favor, with any "ism," especially the most pernicious of such - communism - is to throw all logic on its ear. History is replete with communist manipulation and broken agreements - communists laugh at our "cave-in-for-bucks, money and business ethics." They see the free people of the world, especially we Americans, quick to push aside human rights for profits. You have only to look at the cardboard eaters of No. Korea. There you have a nation of 23 million people where 10% of their population died of starvation in 2002 - recall that Bill Clinton gave them 5 billon dollars in aid to not to build a nuclear arsenal. Can you see Kim Il Jung istill laughing? And he believes he can intimidate Pres. Bush, our nation, into making a like accord, another gift.

1.3 Billion Mainland Chinese held captive by a regime that totals its communist membership at 66 million - that's but 5% of mainland China's population. The Chinese citizen, the 95% of the population, are going forward to freedom and no power on earth will keep them from obtaining it. However, a 2,500,000 man communist army well armed against those not is delaying the march for democracy. The end to Chinese communism is drawing near. Look at the news. See how these geriatric non-elected "politicians", who murdered their way to power, scurry to hold onto that which freedom is seizing away. A tyrannical regime that persecutes free thought and religious liberties has never endured.

Hold tight the picture of that unarmed student in Tiananmen Square (June 1989) braving a column of tanks - the tanks stopped, as will the communist scourge, and soon (see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tiananmen_Square_protests_of_1989)

Capitalism and free World Wide Web Internet (WWW) expression are the new engines driving freedom on the mainland. Sure, there are signs of Internet crackdowns but the pace of freedom is not being slowed – mainland Chinese risk imprisonment and death for the knowledge of freedom that is on the WWW - of course, GOOGLE, Microsoft, Yahoo and others are turning them into the commie "thought police" if they dare type the word "Freedom" or "Liberty” into a search engine).

Finally, the people of the ROC, and their government, have not forgotten the sacrifices that America has made for them. Many of you have received your ROC honoraria - maybe someday soon we may see another award our friends may present to us - join with us and continue to be of service and to proclaim: "Taiwan Today, Taiwan Tomorrow, and Taiwan Forever."

Make application [HERE]